Sunday, June 8, 2008

Moving in the right direction [music inovation]

First, bands like the Smashing Pumpkins recorded entire albums strictly for downloading purposes.

Then, Radiohead comes along a changes everything by allowing listeners to decide how much they want to pay for there CD, shattering their own first week sales records with 1.2 million.

Now, the Icelandic music phenomenon, Sigur Ros are putting their mark on the ever evolving relationship between music and technology... I gotta say that I really like their approach. It's one that has been done before (many times actually)... but their approach sticks out because they did it the right way.

They are allowing listeners to stream their new album, in it's entirety, for free. Now you're probably thinking to yourself, "I've totally seen that before" and "the did that with their last 2 albums on myspace". See, I said it had been done before... or at least, attempted.

The differences in Sigur Ros' approach, and what makes it brilliant are 3 things:
~~~ 1.) It's not centralized to one site... the allow and encourage ANYONE to embed the script to stream the album in whatever web site they want. They're not forcing users to their myspace page and their homepage to try and get add revenue.
~~~ 2.) The listener is given complete control. They have the full playlist, can change songs, scan through (fast forward, rewind) the songs, and is also given access to DVD type content through the player... instead of a buggy as hell myspace player
~~~ 3.) This isn't a band that's struggling for listener's or money. This is a band that already has a HUGE following worldwide. For a band like this to release their music for NO charge whatsoever is a just a way to give more to their audience and to maybe change things a little bit in the music industry.

Anyway, enough gabbing, enjoy: