Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Re: This Day Keeps Getting Better (My Name is Bruce)`

Here's an update to my previous post concerning the new Bruce Campbell movie, My Name is Bruce.

Evidently My Name is Bruce's stint in the theaters was short lived and the movie will be available on DVD on February 10th!!!

Ladies, now you know what to get your geeky boyfriends for Valentine's Day.


Cate Olivia said...

Isn't Bruce Campbell the guy that was on "Zena" and "Hercules" and the star of all two episodes of "Jack of all Trades"? Or am I mistaken?

RoNo said...

Yea that's totally him. He's probably the baddest mother fscker alive and the biggest B-Movie star (if such a thing exists) of all time. He's even wrote a couple of books, entitled "If Chins Could Kill: Confessions of a B-movie Actor" and "Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way".