Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Do what now??

So you know how lizards can regrow their tail if it gets chopped off??

Well, apparently the Depart of Defense thinks people should (and could) be able to do the same: http://www.engadget.com/2008/04/22/dod-establishes-institute-tasked-with-regrowing-body-parts/

I have 3 questions:

#1: Why?
#2: Can't we think of better things to do with $250 million than to create Lizard-people??
#3: If you had your arm chopped off, would you rather wait 5 years to grow a pale, scalely lizard-arm? Or would you rather have a brand new, able-to-punch-through-walls, lazor-guided, ROBOT-ARM!?


Unknown said...

Why indeed!
You know my answer: I want robot limbs. Go-go gadget middle finger!
Did you see that mouse with a human ear on its back? The Island of Dr. Moreau and shit.

RoNo said...

You've seen Grandma's Boy right??
"I'm thinking of getting robot legs... it's a risky operation but it's worth it"
"Adios turd nuggets!"